Spring Cleaning Yay!!
Let's face it, nothing feels better than a clean house. As soon as the days start getting a bit longer and the birds start chirping in the morning, I'm thinking SPRING CLEANING! We can all agree that it isn't the most glamorous thought, it's also not the easiest set of tasks to complete. Hiring a cleaning service isn't for everyone, many of us face this project alone (exhausting thought), many of us don't have a clue where to begin! Over the next few weeks I am going to post some fun ideas and checklists to help you get started. The weekly checklist I posted above is a great way to keep your home up once you accomplish your oh so dreaded SPRING CLEANING list. I keep going back to lists because I would accomplish a thing without one. So pull out that good ol' notebook and get ready for some fun tips over the next few weeks.
"Behind every great marriage is a great cleaning service"